
Built in 1959, this three-axle wheeled armoured vehicle is the only independently driven example of its kind on the European mainland.
Whoever wins the contract can be sure that it will stay that way, because no more tanks may be imported into Germany to private owners.
The history of this Saladin is completely known. Its turret rotates electrically with the two-man crew.
The driver sits in the centre under the turret and has an excellent view when driving with the hatch open. Its highly reliable 8-cylinder Rolls-Royce engine starts up immediately, even after a long period of inactivity.
It is almost complete with all add-on parts (radio, infrared light, tools, turret machine gun - 1:1 replica of the original, etc.)
The demilitarisation certificate from the federal authorities permits private ownership in Germany Export is of course also possible by arrangement A tank like this will never be available again.
The selling price is well into the six-figure range and will be communicated to the serious prospective buyer after enquiry.
You Tube clip available.
Offers over 100,000 Euros

Christian Bale

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